IFERP provides an opportunity for the Students and Research Scholars to receive financial assistance for their innovative Projects for Proof of concept (POC), Prototype development, Product trials, Validation, Market entry, and Commercialization. The seed fund will be disbursed to selected project ideas by IFERP.

An IFERP member, who is a student, undergraduate, post graduate or research scholar in an accredited institution/university whose project ideas are approved by his guide and useful for the society can apply for IFERP - Innovative Project Seed Funding Scheme.

IFERP will disburse up to USD 600 seed funding for the innovative project ideas.

There are no application fees for the scheme. But the applicant must be an IFERP Member

There is no minimum educational qualification, a student who is doing graduation or a research scholar who is doing his research in an accredited university can apply for the funding scheme.

A grant can be used for validation of Proof of Concept, or prototype development, or product trials, validation, market entry, commercialization etc.

Yes, the application is entirely online, with no need for physical submission of documents.

All the proposals received under this scheme will be kept confidentially.

  • IFERP experts and delegates
  • IFERP advisory and technical committee members
  • A domain expert from industry
  • A domain expert from academia

Criteria Details
Is there a need for this project idea? Market size, What market gap is it filling, does it solve a real-world problem?
Feasibility Feasibility and reasonability of the technical claims, the methodology used/ to be used for PoC and validation, a roadmap for product development
Potential Impact Customer demographic & the technology’s effect on these, national importance (if any)
Novelty USP of the technology, associated IP
Team Strength of the team
Fund Utilization Plan Roadmap of money utilization
Presentation Overall assessment

IFERP will announce the selected innovative project ideas for funding, on the 5th International Conference on Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICESSU), on 9th & 10th April at Manila, Philippines and in website and via mail. Seed fund will be given in IFERP conferences & Meetings

In case of any issue or queries, kindly reach out to us at info@iferp.net