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Publication Opportunities

Publication Opportunities

All accepted abstracts for the Social Science, Engineering, Education and Technology Conference (ICSET - 2025) will be published in the world's largest abstract & citation database

“We are committed to assisting you through your journey in research publication”

At IFERP., We are extremely serious about issues pertaining to publishing ethics. Every article will undergo peer review by numerous subject-matter specialists since, in our opinion, the peer-review publication process is a crucial component of academia, and its integrity must be upheld at all costs. Peer review calls for professionals in the relevant sectors to provide their thoughts and suggestions for how to make the submissions better.

Indexing Database

ICSET-2025 proceedings series will be submitted to the Web of Science Book Citation Index (BkCI) and to SCOPUS for evaluation and indexing (T&C)*.


International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security

ISSN: 2073-607X

International journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering

ISSN: 2147-6799

African Journal of Biological Sciences.

ISSN : 2663-2187

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences

ISSN : 2620-2832

International Journal of Professional Business Review

ISSN : 2525-3654

SN Computer Science

ISSN : 2662-995XE-ISSN:2661-8907

Journal of Law and Sustainable Development

ISSN : 2764-4170

Gigiena i sanitariia

ISSN : 2412-0650

Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental(Malariology and Environmental Health Bulletin)

ISSN : 1690-4648

NanoWorld Journal

E-ISSN : 2379-1101

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal (ASTRJ)

ISSN : 2299-8624

Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences

ISSN : 2325-0399 (ONLINE) | ISSN : 1935-0090 (PRINT)

Applied Computing and Informatics

ISSN : 2634-1964E | ISSN : 2210-8327

Applied Computer Science

ISSN : 1895-3735E | ISSN : 2353-6977

Journal of Advanced Zoology

ISSN : 0253-7214

Google Scholar Journals

Technoarete Transactions on Industrial Robotics and Automation Systems

ISSN : 2583-1941

Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities

ISSN : 2583-1127

Technoarate Transactions on Entrepreneurship and International Business

ISSN : 2583-3731

Transaction on Biomedical Engineering Applications, Healthcare

ISSN : 2582-7405

International Journal of Agro Nutrifood Practices

ISSN : 2583-066X

Technoarete Transactions on Economics and Business Systems

ISSN : 2583-4649

Neurocosm International Journal

ISSN : 2582-7480

Technoarete Transactions on Application of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) in Education

ISSN : 2583-3154

Publications in Journals

SCIE Journals

Publication Opportunity in Premium publishers Journal which are indexed in SCIE & Scopus

  • Regular Issue
  • Special /Thematic Issue
Scopus Journals

Publication Opportunity in Journals which are indexed in Scopus

  • Regular Issue
  • Special /Thematic Issue
Web of Science Publication

Web of Science subscription- based service gives you access to numerous databases with citation data for academic areas.

Google Scholar

Publication Opportunity in Journals which are indexed in Google Scholar and other premium index agencies

  • Regular Issue
ABDC Publication

ABDC (Australian Business Deans Council) is a renowned organization that plays a pivotal role in assessing the quality of business and management journals

Research Guidance

IFERP offers support and opportunities for academics who aim for excellence in their research activities. A good way to develop cutting-edge technologies for the benefit of society is through research.
  • Editing & Revision
  • Formatting
  • Review

Editing & Revision

  • Grammatical Corrections
  • Language Editing
  • Plagiarism correction.
  • Proofreading
  • Research Paper Editing
  • Case Report Editing
  • Synopsis Editing
  • Thesis Editing


  • Journal Format
  • Research Paper Format
  • Cover Letter


  • Reviewer suggestion
  • Reviewer Comments Support
  • Thesis Review
  • Book Review
  • Research Paper Review
Major steps involved in publishing a research paper from the manuscript preparation to publication are as follows
  • Format your manuscript according to the conference guidelines and template. - Full manuscript Format and Abstract format
  • Ensure proper structure, including title, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
  • Check for proper citation format, using the conference's preferred citation style.
  • Submit your manuscript through the conference's online submission system by the specified deadline. Submission
  • The submitted manuscript will undergo a peer-review process, where experts in the field evaluate the quality, validity, and relevance of the research.
  • Address any feedback or revisions suggested by the reviewers.
  • Once the review process is complete, authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their papers.
  • If revisions are required, make the necessary changes and resubmit the revised manuscript within the given timeframe.
  • Authors of accepted papers need to register for the conference by the specified deadline Register now
  • Ensure that at least one author registers to secure the inclusion of the paper in the conference proceedings.
  • After registration, authors may receive galley proofs of their papers for final review.
  • Carefully proofread the proofs for any errors and make necessary corrections.
  • If presenting at the conference, prepare your presentation materials and slides based on the conference guidelines.
  • Practice your presentation to ensure clarity and adherence to the allocated time.
  • Present your research at the conference during the assigned session.
  • Engage with the audience and be prepared to answer questions.
  • After the conference, the accepted and presented papers are typically compiled into conference proceedings.
  • The proceedings are published either in print or online, providing a permanent record of the research presented at the conference.
  • Some conferences offer the opportunity for selected papers to be further considered for publication in affiliated journals.
  • If interested, authors may submit an extended version of their conference paper to the journal's editorial review process.
  • Use the conference as an opportunity to network with fellow researchers, professionals, and experts in the field.
  • Explore potential collaborations and stay informed about current trends and future research directions.

Ethics and publication Malpractice

For Authors:

Ethics and publication practices are crucial aspects of the scholarly community to ensure the integrity, credibility, and reliability of research. For the International Conference on Societal Transformation through Engineering, Education, Social Science, and Humanities (ICSET) , participants and authors are expected to adhere to ethical standards and avoid publication malpractices. Here are key principles

Ethical Guidelines:

  • Clearly define authorship criteria, ensuring that individuals who have made significant contributions are listed as authors.
  • Acknowledge the contributions of others who did not meet the criteria for authorship in the acknowledgment section.
  • Avoid plagiarism by properly citing and referencing all sources used in the research.
  • Use plagiarism detection tools to ensure originality in the manuscript.
  • Ensure the accuracy and integrity of research data.
  • Clearly present and describe the methods used in data collection and analysis.
  • Obtain informed consent from human subjects involved in the research, ensuring they understand the purpose, risks, and benefit
  • Disclose any financial or personal relationships that may influence the research or its interpretation.
  • Address conflicts of interest transparently.
  • Conduct research in accordance with ethical standards and guidelines.
  • Obtain approval from institutional review boards for studies involving human subjects.

Publication Malpractice Prevention:

  • Avoid submitting the same manuscript to multiple conferences or journals simultaneously.
  • Disclose if the manuscript is under consideration or has been published elsewhere.
  • Clearly define the roles and contributions of all authors.
  • Do not include individuals who did not contribute significantly to the research as authors.
  • Present accurate and truthful data.
  • Do not manipulate or fabricate data to support desired outcomes.
  • Maintain the integrity of the peer-review process by providing honest and constructive feedback.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest during the review process.
  • Clearly report all aspects of the research, including methods, results, and limitations.
  • Avoid selective reporting to manipulate the perceived significance of results.
  • Do not submit or publish the same research in multiple outlets without proper disclosure.
  • Clearly state any prior presentations or publications related to the research.
  • Promptly retract or correct any errors identified in published work.
  • Cooperate with editors and publishers to address any concerns about published research.

Authors, reviewers, and conference organizers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with ethical guidelines and collaborate to maintain the highest standards of integrity in research and publication. Violation of ethical standards can have serious consequences for the individual researcher and the academic community as a whole.