Submission FAQ

  • Q.1. If my abstract is not accepted, can I still attend the conference?

    Ans: Absolutely, you're still welcome to join the conference as a Listener/Delegate even if your abstract isn't accepted.

  • Q.2.How do I submit my abstract?

    Ans: Submit your abstract using our provided template through the Abstract submission link here. If you face any challenges, feel free to send your abstract to

  • Q.3. I am the Co-author of the paper, Can I present the work?

    Ans: Certainly. You can present the work with the main author's consent. Without their approval, presenting the paper won't be possible

  • Q.4. Do I need to submit an abstract to attend the Conference?

    Ans: No, a separate abstract submission is not required for attending the Conference. You can directly register as a Delegate/Listener.

  • Q.5. Is there an option for a Video/Skype presentation?

    Ans: Absolutely, we provide options for Video/Skype presentations. Refer to the attached format and guidelines in the presentation guidelines video presentation.

  • Q.6. Can I join as an Advisory Board Member/Session Chair/Keynote Speaker?

    Ans: Yes, you can. Simply complete and submit the Committee Member's online application form, attaching your photo & C.V. You can also reach out to the Program Manager at

  • Q.7. Can you sponsor our travel and accommodation?

    Ans: Unfortunately, as we are a non-profit association, IFERP is unable to sponsor your travel and accommodation at this point.

  • Q.8. Can the submission date be extended?

    Ans: We encourage timely abstract submissions, but extensions may be considered for valid reasons like natural calamities, maternity leave, health issues, or political challenges.

  • Q.9. Can I pay the early bird fee even after the early bird date expires?

    Ans: unfortunately it’s not possible. The early bird fee is applicable only within the specified timeframe and cannot be availed once it expires.

  • Q.10. How many pages are allowed for a full paper?

    Ans: For a full paper, we allow 6 to 8 pages.

  • Q.11. What is the price for extra pages if any?

    Ans: The additional page charges are subject to variation and are set as per the specific journal to which you are submitting. For precise details, please refer to the guidelines provided by the respective journal.

  • Q.12. What is the word limit of the abstract?

    Ans: Your abstract should fall within the range of 200 to 250 words, offering a precise yet comprehensive summary of your research.

  • Q.13. Is it necessary to include my biography in the abstract?

    Ans: Yes, it is important to include a biography (100 - 150 words) in your abstract. This will let readers establish a connection with the researcher behind the work.

  • Q14. What are CPD-accredited activities?

    Ans: These are learning activities (such as courses, workshops, or webinars) that have been evaluated and approved by a CPD accreditation body to meet industry standards.

  • Q15. Who needs CPD?

    Ans: CPD is often required by professionals in regulated industries like healthcare, education, engineering, or law. However, it benefits anyone aiming for career growth.

  • Q16. How do I track my CPD progress?

    Ans: Most professionals maintain a CPD log or portfolio to record completed activities, points earned, and reflections on how the learning has contributed to their career.

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