Eligibility For Committee Members

Although we appreciate that you want to volunteer, there are some criteria we need to consider. To ensure a cohesive committee, we seek individuals with a passion for our mission and relevant expertise. Below are some prerequisites for committee member eligibility.
  • Professors/Deans/HoD’s
  • Associate Professor/Academicians with 8+ years of experience
  • Assistant Professors with 10+ years of experience
  • Editorial Board Members of Prestigious Journal
  • Reviewer of Journal
  • Industrial Expertise with 8+ years of Experience

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Manage tasks, committees, and schedules to flawlessly execute the program and scientific agenda.
  • Identify and invite leading experts in key research areas to boost the conference's intellectual depth.
  • Partner with relevant sponsors and exhibitors, generating B2B connections and financial backing.
  • Adhere to the program plan, curate engaging sessions, and secure impactful keynote speakers.
  • Introduce moderators and speakers, manage timekeeping, and ensure interactive audience participation.
  • Secure renowned keynote speakers with cutting-edge industry expertise.
  • Monitor conference proceedings for seamless flow and adherence to scheduled times.
  • Collaborate with the project manager to oversee and leverage media coverage strategically.
  • Utilize the committee to refine conference proposals, registrations, and implementation.
  • Scout for renowned researchers in specific fields to enhance conference participation and broaden perspectives.
So are you ready to become a part of our team?
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