Scopes & Opportunities
IFERP is a well-known international organization with a solid reputation in science and technology that promotes, educates, and ignites debate.
IFERP members support high standards in research, higher education, training, and innovation that will help create technology-knowledge societies for a sustainable future and have a significant impact on global business, science, society, and culture

IFERP for Individuals
When it comes to individual professionals, students, educators, and others from all walks of life, IFERP offers access to valuable publications, resources, and discounts, as well as a diverse and vibrant network of nearly thousands of like-minded people. Most importantly, individuals access the all-so-vital thought leadership on pressing issues in the worlds of Science, Engineering, and Technology.
- Learning about topics important in their respective industries and disciplines.
- Obtaining research funds to help them continue experimentation on various phenomena.
- Making new connections with experts and peers.
- Provide a pathway to be hired by leading companies.
- Opportunities to propagate research findings through publishing deals.
IFERP For Institutions/Universities
The Institutional benefits of depending on the IFERP platform are vast. Along with access to a highly experienced network of scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students, organizations get to be at the very forefront of policy analysis and policymaking that affects everyone involved in research and the global tech community.
Institutions that yearn to be a part of an international collective that's dedicated to improving public policy and management with regard to tech innovation by fostering excellence in the fields of Science, Engineering, and Tech, will feel at home here.
IFERP extends an invitation to all institutions committed to scholarship-focused community engagement to join its efforts as consortium members.

IFERP - Research Assistance & Guidance
IFERPs Research Assistance & Guidance constitutes a framework for researchers, employers, and funders that invites them to act responsibly and professionally in their work environment and to recognize themselves as such.
Those wishing to avail of this offering will gain support with:
- Accessing and choosing between the best funding options
- Finding suitable, like-minded research partners
- Preparation of compelling and world-class research proposal
- Applying and liaising with top private, commercial, and governmental research bodies and institutions on the scope of projects, administrative procedures, and contractual issues
- Framing, writing, editing, and preparing research manuscripts fit for publication in world-class journals and publications
IFERP for Industry
IFERP assists businesses of all sizes, from large-scale Fortune 500 brands to startups, through the extension of a wide variety of resources that the organization has at its disposal for its own growth as well as the furtherance of technology. From facilitating collaborations that allow the tech industry to leverage IFERPs rich network of world-class researchers, infrastructure, partnering institutions, and access to funding to solve the most critical problems, to finding the right subject matter expert, consortium, or contractual arrangement to meet organizational objectives, businesses can depend on IFERP for it all.