IFERP Research & Publication Guidance Programs
Seeking improvements in search performance is a powerful influence on all universities. Hit in research is a major component in the various indicators of the university’s overall performance. Thereby universities are increasingly interested in how they can improve their competitive position by attracting, supporting and promoting high quality work researchers.

IFERP Research and Publication program contributes to:
- Alerting researchers to new and upcoming grants opportunities from a range of funding bodies and helping them locate potential collaborators.
- Facilitating the collaborative management of documents and data; providing analysis tools large aggregations of text and data; and preserving research data.
- Helping develop information processing skills.
- Helping researchers find the most effective method vehicles and channels through which propagate and publish their research work, including advice on protecting their intellectual property rights.
- Assisting with the managing and storing of publications, as well as also preprints and post-prints.
- Helping researchers and their institutions to investigate their position in their field, including citation management and citation analysis.