To implement CSR programs on Education and Skill Development



Corporate Social Responsibility has always been a core value at IFERP.
IFERP is continuing to understand that CSR is a strategic business endeavour to generate sustainable triple bottom line growth and is not only about compliance. We are aware that well-intentioned and effectively implemented CSR will enhance a company's brand, staff involvement, and efforts to identify new ways to help people. The company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) goal is to position itself as a responsible corporate citizen by supporting the overall social and economic growth of the community.


Addressing the Fundamental Problem with CSR in Education and Skill Development

The fundamental problem with CSR in education and skill development lies in the lack of coordination between the corporate sector and the educational and skill development sector. Corporates tend to focus on their own goals and objectives, while educational and skill development institutions focus on their own. This lack of coordination leads to inefficient use of resources and time, resulting in low quality outcomes.

The way to address this issue is to establish a strong link between the corporate and the educational and skill development sector. This link can be established through policy initiatives, collaborations and joint efforts. For example, the government can provide incentives and subsidies to corporates that undertake education and skill development initiatives. Corporates can also partner with educational and skill development institutions to provide resources, support and guidance. Finally, both the corporate and the educational and skill development sector should engage in regular dialogue and communication to ensure that the outcomes are of the highest quality.

Date Driven Strategies

The fundamental problem with CSR in education and skill development is that there is a lack of effective, data-driven strategies to ensure the educational opportunity are accessible to all people and that resources are going to the right places and addressing the most pressing needs.
IFERP is committed to bettering the communities with educational programs in which it operates and the world at large. Through its educational programs, IFERP helps to equip people with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the increasingly complex global economy. To facilitate this, IFERP works with local organizations to provide career guidance and training opportunities.
Companies often have limited budgets and limited resources and therefore struggle to determine how best to allocate funds and resources to achieve the greatest impact. Additionally, it is difficult to measure the success of CSR initiatives in this area and so it is difficult to track progress and determine whether or not money is being spent in the most effective ways. Finally, there is a lack of communication between companies, educational Institutions, government agencies, and other stakeholders, which can lead to a disjointed and inefficient approach to CSR in education and skill development.
In order to address these issues, IFERP CSR focus on developing comprehensive, data-driven strategies in education and skill development. Companies should also commit to open communication with educational institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure that initiatives are well coordinated and that resources are going to the right places. Finally, IFERP has a peculiar strategy in measuring the success of initiatives and tracking progress to ensure that money is being spent in the most effective ways.


IFERP CSR Implementation Areas
Industrial - Institution collaboration:
Research and development
Environmental Sustainability
Community Development
Employee Engagement
Corporate Governance


IFERP CSR Implementation Areas

On Going Projects

Skill development program
Research pedogogy
Internship and placement oppurtunity