Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology
ISSN: 0128-7680
Scopus Indexed Journal
Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology aims to provide a forum for high quality research related to science and engineering research. Areas relevant to the scope of the journal include: bioinformatics, bioscience, biotechnology and bio-molecular sciences, chemistry, computer science, ecology, engineering, engineering design, environmental control and management, mathematics and statistics, medicine and health sciences, nanotechnology, physics, safety and emergency management, and related fields of study.
The subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:
Agricultural and Biological Sciences
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Chemical Engineering
General Chemical Engineering
Environmental Science
General Environmental Science
Computer Science
General Computer Science
Issue release criteria : 4 issue per year
Guidelines : plagiarism should be below 20%
Average time : Submission to Acceptance: 120 Days
Acceptance to Publication: 180 Days
Scopus indexed link : https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19700188314
Scimago link : https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=19700188314&tip=sid&clean=0