Materiale Plastice
ISSN: 2668-8220; Print: 0025-5289
Scopus Indexed Journal
Materiale Plastice, abbreviated as Mater. Plast., publishes original scientific papers or guest reviews on topics of great interest. The Journal does not publish memos, technical reports or non-original papers (that are a compilation of literature data) or papers that have already been published in other national or foreign journals.
The subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:
Plastic Materials
Synthetic Yarns and Fibers
Composite Materials
Synthesis, Characterization, Engineering
Applications in Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy
Issue release criteria : Quarterly
Guidelines : Plagiarism Below 25%
Average time : 4 months
Scopus indexed link : https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/14217
Scimago link : https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=14217&tip=sid&clean=0