Eurasian Chemical Communications
ISSN: 2676-6280
Eurasian Chemical Communications (ECC) publishes experimental, theoretical and applied research papers related to all branches of Chemistry. The world of the Internet is a multi-faceted one. Each and every field of Internet is witnessing tremendous growth in the present century. But, researchers still have to wait for a long time to publish their research articles in reputed journals. To tide over this disadvantage, we have launched this online research journal.
The subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:
Analytical Chemistry
Biochemistry & Biophysics
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Effects of Chemical Drugs
Medicinal Studies of Synthetic Drugs
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Neurochemical Research
Clinical Chemistry
Chemical Pathology
Computational Chemistry
Mathematical Chemistry
Issue release criteria : Bi Monthly Issue – 6 Times in year
Guidelines : Articles should be below 25% plagiarized including references. Articles should be submitted in IEEE double column format.
Average time : 45 Days