This paper explains the necessity of smart helmet in mining industry to detect hazardous events. Due to hazards people working in the mining industry suffers various health problems. There are three different types of hazards physical, chemical and biological hazards. In the establishment of helmet, we have considered the three main types of hazard occurs in the mining industry, such as air quality, helmet removal, and collision occurs when miners are struck by an object. The first phase is focusing on the air quality hazardous gases such as CO, SO2, NO2. In second phase, hazardous event was classified as a miner removing the mining helmet off their head. The IR sensors are used for this purpose. The third hazardous event is described as an event where miners are struck by an article against the head with a force distance a value of 1000Hz on the Head Injury Criteria. An accelerometer was used to measure the acceleration of the head and the HIC was calculated in software. This paper gives the solution for the mining people when they are in the mining industry.