Children use different types of mobile devices without any constraints. According to National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Run away, and Thrown away Children (NISMART), in 1999, an estimated 204,500 children were involuntarily missing from their care takers because they were lost, injured, or stranded; 68,100 of these children were reported to authorities. In today's information age, it is vital for kids to be tech savvy, but it's up to parents to find and maintain a balance. Since, today‘s most of the mobile phone users have an android phone, chances of children using it are more. This gives an opportunity to design an android application which is used to track the missing children. This tracking solution allows parents to monitor their child's cell phone. All calls, texts and multimedia messages can be seen and interrupted by the parents, who can also monitor where their children are and set up alerts if their children are going outside of approved geographical zones. The parent can also block calls or messages to specific numbers. Our aim is to develop an efficient and improved geographical asset tracking solution and conserve valuable mobile resources by dynamically adapting the tracking scheme by means of context-aware personalized route learning techniques. The main challenge is to balance privacy and flexibility with the ease of use. This application plays an intermediate role between user and the guardian. Thus, trying to avoid the consequences caused through the negligence and be a part in reducing the number of missing incidences in this information age.