How to find best Scopus indexed journals 2023

For any researcher and academic carrying out, pioneering research work and experimental studies, the pinnacle of success is to spread the word and raise awareness of their research through a paper published in a leading Scopus journal 2023 in their specific area of specialization. The reason for so many academics seeking out Scopus indexed journals is because the Scopus database for academic journals and scientific publications is perhaps the most well-recognized of all such databases. People who subscribe to Scopus indexed journals and also author papers in such journals can rest assured of the facts that – 

  • these journals can be completely trusted, 
  • these journals will not offer them false information and inauthentic details on the latest research studies being carried out in their field, 
  • these journals will not dupe them of their precious money, 
  • these journals have a massive reader base all across the globe, and more!

Albeit, the problem with getting a research paper published in a Scopus indexed journal is that they are often hard to look for, especially for amateur researchers, scholars and academics who are at the early stages of their career and are desperately seeking the proliferation of their research findings and outcomes via 2023 publication in Scopus indexed journal, but are not aware of any. This article is meant to offer crucial insight into the several methods that one can employ to find such top Scopus indexed journals within their specific area of specialization. 

Scopus Publication
  • Look Up The Scopus Website
    • The Scopus website which is the online gateway to the entire database of world-class journals and publications across all fields is your best to find a comprehensive list of all the best Scopus journals within your field. 
    • Here, you are guaranteed to get access to the most detailed lists of fast publishing Scopus indexed publications 2023 that you will be able to find anywhere! 
    • The search facility provided on the Scopus website for those who are actively seeking Scopus indexed journals within the field makes it incredibly easy to do so. 
    • All one has to do is – 
      • visit the website, 
      • look for the option ‘Looking for free journal rankings and metrics?’,
      • click on the ‘View Journal Rankings’ option underneath, 
      • this will lead you to a page with a search box,
      • in the search box, you can choose to search for journals and relevant metrics on readership, authorship, type of articles featured, coverage, etc. Depending on how you want to search for journals, you can choose from ‘Subject Area’, ‘ISSN’, ‘Title’ and ‘Publisher’, 
      • in this case, since you are not aware of any journals, you may want to select ‘Subject Area’ as your preferred option,
      • then select your specific field of interest, and click on ‘Apply’,
      • look below for a detailed list of all Scopus indexed journals within your specific subject area along with pertinent metrics for every single journal listed. 
    • The best thing about this feature is that it is completely free to use even by non-subscribers of Scopus.
    • Anyone, from anywhere in the globe can access the Scopus website and find all the journals operating within their field, that are indexed by Scopus. 
    • This is not only one of the easiest ways to look for Scopus indexed journals, but also the most trustworthy source that you can possibly do it from. 
    • Oftentimes, it is the case that authors tend to settle for the first Scopus indexed journal that they find. 
    • This can be detrimental to their research paper having the biggest impact, because although such a journal is bound to be trustworthy and of incredibly high quality, it might not necessarily be the best journal for the author to have their research published in. 
    • Factors such as – 
      • the reach of the journal, 
      • the brand of authors that are normally featured on the journal, 
      • the sort of research studies that the journal is known for publishing,
      • the publication process of the journal, etc, 
      • all weigh into determining if a particular Scopus indexed journal is the best for an author. 
    • Finding out such data about a Scopus indexed journal can be incredibly difficult to procure and ascertain.
    • This is where the extraordinary facility offered to prospective authors looking for Scopus indexed journals, on the website, to view the metrics of all journals indexed in the Scopus database, comes into the picture! 
  • Inquiring Of Your Acquaintances & Colleagues
    • One of the best ways for any looking for prominent Scopus indexed journals within one’s area of specialization is to inquire of others who might be in the know. 
    • This includes –
      • people who have already carried out research and have had their papers or articles published in leading Scopus indexed journals, 
      • people who are likely to have connections and associations within the 2023 Scopus publication community, 
      • people who frequently liaise with publication officials to facilitate paper publications for academics and researchers within their departments, and 
      • people who read a lot of scientific journals and material, who might be aware of at least one or two Scopus indexed journals within your area of specialization. 
    • Another key benefit of asking one’s acquaintances and colleagues is that they are more likely to get trustworthy answers even if the answer is no. 
    • This is because there is a level of mutual trust between people who know each other well and interact often on a professional basis. 
    • When placing such inquiries with colleagues and acquaintances, however, it is crucial to make sure that – 
      • you know for a fact that they are trustworthy and that they will not misguide you, 
      • you know for a fact that they are likely to have such information (so as to not pester someone who is undoubtedly not likely to have any knowledge of Scopus indexed journals in your area of specialization and disturbing them), and 
      • you tell them your intention beforehand (which is that you would like to get your research published in a leading Scopus indexed publication 2023 within your specific field).
  • Contact Your University or Institutional Department
    • Whether you are someone who is undertaking your research at a university, a research institution or a corporate organization, you are bound to be associated with a department that relays information back and forth between the administrations or executives of the institution/company.
    • Getting in touch with these people and letting them know that you are seriously considering having your research published in the form of a paper, review or article in a leading Scopus indexed publication within your field, might open the door to a world of information. 
    • Some of the possibilities include – 
      • getting a list of 2022 Scopus indexed journals within your field to get in touch with, 
      • the executives or administrators gaining interest in your pursuit of publication and linking you up with their contacts within the publishing community, 
      • officials increasing the funding to your research project so that you may refine your work and have substantial and conclusive research findings before actually proceeding to publish your work in a Scopus indexed journal. 
    • University departments are always in touch with prominent Scopus indexed publications as they very often have subscriptions to such journals.
    • These subscriptions serve in adding the latest issues of these journals (containing the most groundbreaking research projects and ventures being carried out around the globe), for the edification of all those in the department. 
    • If this is the case, then you can also approach your department’s librarian for information on the best Scopus indexed journals within your specialization. 
  • Inquire Of Known Authors
    • As an academic or a researcher carrying out experimental studies and scientific research projects, you are bound to come into contact with professionals who have already had their research published in the past. 
    • All you have to do is ask these individuals if they can point you towards any Scopus indexed journals that they are aware of or have published their work in previously. 
    • Such authors will be more than willing to not only give you information about the top Scopus indexed journals within your field but also – 
      • put you in touch with the officials at any of these publications so that you have a point of reference (which is an experienced author who has already had his/her work published in their journals). This will serve you well when it comes to the vetting process, which you should know is quite stringent for academics whom the officials have never heard of or don’t know the reputation of. 
      • offer you some advice on how to go about pursuing your entire publication process, the best way to write your research paper, and how to make it highly engaging, etc. 
    • People with experience are not only the best to seek out for information and normal details on the top Scopus indexed journals within your field, but also guidance and suggestions on how you should go about the entire paper publication process. 

If you are an author who has been desperately pursuing the publication of your research work or has already had your research work published in an ordinary journal before but weren’t really able to make an impact via your paper, even though the concepts and outcomes contained therein were incredibly profound, then it is high time for you to begin pursuing publication in the top Scopus indexed journal within your field. This is because Scopus indexed journals, typically tend to – 

  • be more trustworthy, 
  • of higher quality, 
  • with higher standards and scope, 
  • have a bigger global reader base (meaning you will be able to reach more people by having a paper published in such a journal than any other), 
  • have quicker, simple and less arduous, but also thorough paper submission in Scopus processes, manuscript reviewing and publication processes in place, 
  • have more respect for authors as well as form better and more fruitful professional relationships with them, 
  • value the work and effort of researchers more than other journals who overlook these efforts, 
  • recognize the true potential of researchers and appreciate their contributions to the field and more. 

So, if you’re looking to truly make a mark on your field, then keep all the above suggestions in mind and actively begin seeking opportunities to have your work published in a top Scopus indexed journal in your discipline.  

Get list of upcoming scopus indexed conference 2023 at IFERP website