How To Find Online International Conference 2023

May 17, 2022
International conferences provide opportunities for scientists and professionals to disseminate their work, network, and build collaborative relationships for future work – so they are important for career development. However, for conference-hosting institutions, these events are often also an opportunity to demonstrate excellence and showcase the cutting-edge work of leading professionals or scholars. As women and numerous minority groups are still underrepresented in the academic and scientific professions, particularly in leadership roles, this is usually reflected in the list of speakers and other aspects of the program and logistics of a conference.
- The Essence Of Academic Conferences
- An international academic conference 2023 is an event where researchers and professionals come together to present their latest work.
- The day is primarily made up of hour-long themed panels that combine similar-themed sessions into a single slot.
- Panels are normally followed by a Q&A session, making it possible for attendees to engage and discuss their thoughts with presenters.
- Other presentation formats include poster presentations that are more commonly undertaken by students and early career researchers.
- The event usually ends with a long speech by the keynote speaker, a highly respected researcher in his discipline.
There are different types of conferences, although most follow a similar format –
- Academic Conferences
- Academic conferences are the most common type of academic event you will encounter.
- These adhere to a standard format of panels and Q&A sessions followed by a keynote speaker.
- Academic conferences can be small events held over a few days or can be larger, lasting up to a week completely depending on the organizer.
- Organizers can be individual scholars, a group of researchers, or a large-scale funder.
- Annual Meetings
- An annual meeting is quite identical to an academic conference, and sometimes the names are utilized interchangeably.
- Organizers of such events are mostly funding agencies, research groups, or corporations.
- The general format is more often than not the same as a conference but will highlight speeches from new board members.
- Postgraduate Conferences
- Postgraduate conferences are typically organized by students for students, although some funders also organize such events.
- Most of the presentations come from students, masters or doctoral students, and only the keynote speaker will be an academic.
- This is a great, more informal introduction to the conference.
Finding The Best International Conference 2022
Finding the best conference is more a question of what to look for in the events that you do come across than where to look.
After completion of research, the most common challenge researchers face, is finding a good conference to present their research at and a good journal to publish their research paper in. Many academic conferences are held around the world, where researchers and academic staff receive many invitations from these global conferences. There are also thousands of journals. As a result, with the broad range of conferences, picking an appropriate conference is a daunting challenge for the researcher. Detailed below are all the secrets to identifying a quality conference among the many predatory events that are being organized these days.

- The Quality Of Papers Presented At The Conference & The Review Process Being Followed
- The quality of the papers presented at the conference would directly affect the quality of the conference.
- Usually, research quality refers to the soundness of the scientific arguments being made in research papers.
- World-class conference organizers always make an effort to maintain their standards by picking the best quality research papers.
- They follow an excellent review process with an internationally recognized scientific committee.
- They strictly maintain the double-blind review process and devote maximum effort and time to reviewing all articles.
- If an international conference accepts your paper without any comment whatsoever or if they really accept your paper in a short period of time (submit the papers today and receive the acceptance letters the next day), you may need to ask yourself if they undertake a professional a review process or if they are maybe a total fraud.
- Additionally, some conferences accept machine-generated research abstracts and send the acceptance through an autonomous system. You have to be careful with such conferences.
- If in doubt, mail the conference secretary or primary coordinator. Once you are accepted by the conference evaluation team, feel free to contact the conference secretariat to inquire about further assignments.
- You can easily identify their professionalism by judging their answers and knowledge.
- If possible, take the opportunity to speak with the conference chair or conference organizer as well, which will provide you with firm confirmation of the quality of the conference.
- Check out our other blogs for crucial tips for research paper publication.
- Reputable Keynote Speakers Who Maintain Topical Relevance
- One of the reasons why we take part in conferences is to hear from great people in a particular field.
- Therefore, it is a must that you browse the conference websites.
- Get to know the conference keynote speakers and browse their profiles.
- There may be one or more key speakers whose profiles are well-known figures in that particular field of study or industry.
- If you think these speakers are just general names or profiles in the field, you may need to rethink your attendance at this conference.
- Some conferences ask attendees to act as speakers, and some conferences publish speakers even without informing them.
- So, send a mail to these people and get clarification on whether they are the affected keynote speakers or not.
- Some conferences publish teaser videos about guest speakers in their own words.
- These act as indicators to identify the best conferences. We are glad to inform you that you can find good speakers at every IFERP conference.
- A Plain ‘Ol Conference Or An Event With Additional Sub Events Too
- Finally, consider that most conferences last between two and five days.
- Nevertheless, there might also be additional events before or after the official conference days, such as workshops or training.
- If you want to develop your skills, for example, by attending a workshop on data analysis, then you can find out if there are other events around the conference that could benefit you.
- Sticking To The Proposed Aim & Objective Of The Conference
- There should be a purpose for organizing a conference, and most good conferences are organized with the aim of enriching the research culture of that particular field of study.
- But many fake organizers also claim the same purpose as their raison d’être.
- It is, therefore, necessary to check whether these people who lead the conference are mainly intended to enrich research.
- If they are really working with a great vision, they must constantly work on the quality of the conference, in all its aspects.
- If the conference organizers facilitate a high-quality service for the attendees with more networking opportunities, excellent publications, flexible service, and a quality presentation, they are doing really well.
- Aligned With Noteworthy Journals & Scientific Publications
- Many conferences publish and advertise that they provide good publishing support to attendees.
- But the bitter truth is that people are still frustrated with many unworthy beliefs.
- Before attending a conference, check the conference publications section carefully.
- We will also mention some fast publishing journals as supporting journals.
- Check if these reviews are legal and if they come from reputable publishers.
- Make sure these journals are indexed in a real indexing organization such as Scopus or Thomson Reuters.
- Plus, take a look at past publications from previous conferences.
- If this is the first time, a conference has taken place, check the organizers and see if they really publish your full article.
- Additionally, you need to check if an ISBN is provided to the abstract book, if an ISSN is available for proceedings, DOI number availability, and also indexing.
- You can find the best current publications in the IFERP publication.
- Availing Comprehensive Governmental Support
- If a conference is affiliated with the local government body and if they post-government affiliations on conference websites, it means the conference has high credibility.
- In addition, if government representatives are invited as guest speakers, keynote speakers, or just guests at the conference, this would again reflect on the credibility of the conference.
- Only the best conference organizers work with the government to try to add more value to the conference and thus gain the trust of the participants.
- Partnerships With Reputable Universities, Research Institutions, NGOs, & Corporations
- Good conferences have good partners.
- If the conference is associated with reputable universities, NGOs, globally recognized institutes, or reputable companies, it indicates that they retain their uniqueness.
- IFERP conferences usually have numerous partner institutes from different parts of the globe, which in turn helps elevate the credibility of every single event.
- The reputability that IFERP enjoys as a result of this is another reason why those wishing to acquire seed funding for their startups and other entrepreneurial ventures all look forward to a seat at an IFERP conference.
- Irrespective of whether they’re looking for funding for educational projects, funding for engineering projects, or funding for individual projects, one can get funding for a project that they wish to kickstart but don’t really have the financial fuel that they require in order to do so, at an IFERP international conference.
- Anyone who is looking for funding for projects but doesn’t really have the time to take part in an international conference, can reach out to IFERP immediately to set up a meeting and begin discussions on how things can be taken forward.
- Organized In Noteworthy Destinations & World-Class Venues
- Some conferences are held in budget hotels, airport transit hotels, rural hotels, some reception halls, small rooms, and small towns.
- Normally, well-known international conferences are held in better hotels or convention and conference centers in famous cities with good tourist attractions.
- Additionally, venue management should be well aware of the event at least several months back.
- If the venue does not know the conference, it means a weak point on authenticity.
- So choose a conference in well-known places and better places.
- The Quality Of Communication Of The Conference Organizers
- Attending a conference is a tough decision to make.
- You may have many things to consider before going to a conference in a foreign country.
- Start a few conversations by mail with the conference organizing committee regarding the program, accommodation, special arrangements, payment details, etc.
- The way the organizing committee will respond to you and communicate with you will be a good indication of the conference.
- If they are professional, the conference will eventually be at its best.
- Endorsements From Domain Experts & Positive Reviews From Past Participants
- Recommendations from “The Experienced” would be one of the most important factors in making decisions.
- If a conference website advertises good live recommendations (through videos), this signals that the conference was indeed a real conference and actually happened.
- In the meantime, if a well-known person recommends a particular lecture, that means you can seriously consider it.
- Additionally, many conference organizers ask their attendees to give their testimonials.
- However, as always, you can check out their video channel (probably YouTube), and if there are hundreds of recommendations and speeches from big-name personalities, you really are in for a better conference.
- The History Of The Event
- If your conference is held annually, with a history of past conferences, you will be able to find past conference programs.
- If there are no such programs of past lectures, this also poses a dubious situation.
- Either way, if you can find programs from past conferences, be sure to browse those programs.
- You can acquire a fair idea of the number of participants from different countries.
- If the conference is more international and offers high-quality research paper publication in Scopus, expect to attend this certified conference.
- Specifics On The Conference Chair, Committee, & Organizing Committee
- A good conference publishes all information about the conference chair, the conference scientific committee, and the organizing committee.
- If you have a problem, you can get in touch with them and clarify your problems.
- Normally, the conference chair and the organizing committee should answer your questions.
- Check their contact details and profiles. Get all your clarifications settled.
- If the committee of academic conference presidents does not have solid academic knowledge of this field of study, this would certainly be a problem.
- They should also have a good knowledge of the conference editor function.
- The Reputability Of The Event Organizers
- There are many good and fake conference organizers in the world.
- To select the best conference, you must also select the best conference organizers.
- There are few organizations and universities that also organize conferences.
- However, you need to think about return on investment when investing in a conference.
- Always try to find upcoming conference 2022 organized by quality organizers who have a good track record.
- Check their social recognition (FB, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn), reviews people have left about them (some conference organizers may have restrictions on social media or other photo galleries), affiliations they have received, etc.
- If all sounds good, you’re in good hands.
- Armed with this knowledge on how to choose a professional international academic conference, you’ll be able to make the right decision the next time you come across an event listing or are faced with having to choose from a bunch of different events.
- The Conference Schedule Matches Your Research Goals
- Meeting a conference deadline is quite crucial. Researchers have got to manage their work in such a way as to meet the deadline of the conference they have chosen.
- Different conferences have varying requirements. Some only need an abstract as an initial submission, while there are those that require the full research paper.
- Depending on the conference you opt for or have already selected, you should keep submissions ready to go.
- Bear in mind the format that the abstract should be in as well as the research paper.
- Normally, different conferences have their formats which should be followed.
- Researchers should keep in mind the format, the status of their work, and the submission deadline.
- A combination of these three factors, when striking the right target, will yield the best results.
- And anyway, you wouldn’t want to lose out on any opportunity owing to a time restriction.
- It is also witnessed that high-quality or well-ranked conferences normally request papers four to six months in advance, owing to the strict review process.
- Always consider this time before selecting the conference, as you will need to keep your paper ready for submission.
- Also, most of the time, there is a condition that you can submit your paper to one conference at a time until you get the result, always bear in mind this time interval between the date of submission of your research paper and the date of notification of its acceptance.
- Identify Your Conferencing Goals
- It is equally important that you know what you expect from a conference.
- Therefore, define your goal before setting about finding a conference.
- Many conferences are held around the world, and there must be plenty that will fit your list of objectives.
- Conferences also release the list of speakers and key individuals from industry and academia who will be attending the conference.
- Pick a conference where you feel you might meet people whose research, lectures, interests, and discussions might intrigue you, and you might want to build relationships with them.
- Read the topics and interests of the speakers, and you can consider this as one of the pillars in deciding the conference.

- Bearing Your Budget In Mind
- Attending a conference implicitly means you should have money in your pocket.
- Many expenses await you before you arrive at the conference venue.
- Expenses start from conference registration, round trip, accommodation, visa, etc.
- While some conferences make their registration fees known at the time of submission, there are few that do so even later.
- Before finalizing a conference to submit your work, assess all the costs involved and check if it fits within your budget.
- You should also check with your university, organization, or research institute for grants and such payments.
- Sometimes institutions cover half or all of the researcher’s costs.
- It is therefore always good to check beforehand and keep the documents ready, if necessary.
- Always keep the budget as a top priority because, after all the hard work and selection, you won’t want to get discouraged by the monetary issue.
- This point should have been listed at the top, but to keep the subject light, it has been brought up here.
- Being Wary Of Predatory Conferences & New Ones
- Often, some conferences are fairly new and do not have set forth criteria for the acceptance of research papers.
- They don’t have a well-established review system in place and only accept papers simply for the sake of generating revenue and crowds for their events. In such cases, another possibility is that the reputability they are bragging about is also entirely fake and is only marketed to entice people and get scholars to have things to publish.
- Also, please be careful and don’t be lured by lucrative websites.
- There are many websites that just attract searchers but are entirely bogus.
- They are only organized for the sake of extracting registration fees and would become empty once their work is done.
- Always verify the authenticity of the conference, consult your peer group, read reviews, and then finalize any conference.
- It’s a big decision for your career, your research, your hard work, and your money.
Where To Look For Relevant International Conferences?
Finding conferences related to your field is always hard work. Detailed below are some important methods to consider when looking for the right conference.
- Perusing Through Top (And, Of Course, Relevant) Journals & Scientific Publications
- Reading is always a good habit. It will help the reader sooner or later.
- There is a range of research and academic magazines, journals, and publications for the various disciplines out there.
- These documents often contain details of the conferences taking place.
- These sorts of conference advertisements target a particular audience because only relevant people in the discipline will buy these publications or have subscriptions.
- One can check out these editorials and obtain details of the academic conferences taking place.
- Relying On Word Of Mouth Recommendations
- Speaking to people and learning from the experience of others can always prove to be helpful.
- Talk to researchers in your field in your department or outside and ask them about conferences they have attended or plan to attend.
- Ask them what type of conference could be beneficial for your type of research – local/national/international.
- Often, your faculty has good relationships with conference organizers or research communities.
- You can always contact them for advice. They are quite experienced in this area and will suggest something good.
- In case you could have attended past conferences, you need to have your research network.
- Talk to researchers you may have established a relationship with and gather their views and opinions.
- If you can shortlist at least a few conferences, please sign up for their newsletter.
- This way, you will receive all related information and important notifications. And you can follow the conferences without missing anything.
- Chat with advisors and other graduate students in your discipline to see what conferences they have attended and what conferences they would suggest taking part in.
- There may be a ton of lectures in other disciplines that could be related to your field of interest.
- Once you’ve found an association or conference that piques your interest, visit its website for more information.
- Joining The Mailing Lists Of Popular Conference Organizers
- Once you identify a conference, check to see if the organization hosting the conference has a mailing list or listserver.
- Numerous organizations use mailing lists to solicit their call for proposals and distribute conference information (e.g., conference program, deadlines, registration).
- Enrolling your name on these mailing lists will ensure that you receive updates promptly.
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