6 things know about attend international conference 2023

January 12, 2022

upcoming conference 2023

In 2023, much like all preceding years, attending a Bangkok international conference in 2023 is guaranteed to be a great way to develop one’s research career. These events will offer attendees the chance to network and interact with potential collaborators and co-authors, comprehend the latest and most pioneering research developments and fully learn about one’s entire discipline. 

The thought of participating in academic conferences for the first time, however, can be daunting. One will have new names to remember, new concepts to grasp, and comments to consider if they present their work at the conference. Therefore, in this blog, six crucial tips that will help anyone make the most of their 2023 conferencing experiences will be discussed in detail. 

Understanding The True Essence Of Academic Conferences

  • Academic conferences 2023 are events where researchers come together to hear the latest developments in a field of research. 
  • These events are conducted in many forms and sizes, from large general conferences of twenty thousand attendees to smaller, more focused events.
  • Diverse sessions can take place during the conferences. 
  • Typical formats include – 
    • Main/Plenary Presentations 
      • Often by a well-known speaker. Most of the delegates attend.
    • Panel Sessions 
      • Featuring multiple presenters usually discussing identical or related topics.
    • Poster Sessions 
      • A researcher explains a poster they produced by displaying a summary of their research, usually a mixture of text with images, graphics, tables, and other references.
    • Conference Paper Presentations 
      • Researchers present their research papers and obtain feedback on the contents of these papers and their findings. These are normally grouped into topics or parallel streams.
  • A lot of times, there are also workshops that offer training on how to keep audiences engaged or how to successfully get one’s research articles published in the best academic journals and publications.
  • #1 
  • Planning To Have A Stellar 2023 Academic Conferencing Experience
  • Picking A World-Class 2023 Academic Conference
    • With the sheer number of academic conferences to pick from these days, and with very limited time and funding available, one needs to carefully contemplate which events are worth their time.
    • To identify relevant conferences and workshops, one should subscribe to as many thematic mailing lists as they can find. 
Fastest Scopus Journal Publication
  • The titles of events can often be proven to be misleading.
    • One can sometimes even locate an event with a promising title, only to encounter something completely unexpected. 
    • This can be avoided by examining the background of the speakers and the content of their papers. 
    • Speaking to one’s colleagues helps tremendously because of the fact that they could offer tips on all the conferences that they have participated in and found to be incredibly useful events. 
    • Also, one should ask supervisors about financing options, as this may influence one’s choice. 
    • Some research funding will include a budget to attend conferences to disseminate their work, so it is always worth looking for opportunities to get involved in the program.
  • Time Management Is Integral
    • The program of a large engineering and technology conference 2023 is filled with many sessions and panels. 
    • In order to make sure that one doesn’t miss any key presentations, it’s best that they review the schedule of events at the start of each day and then decide on which sessions they don’t want to miss, then fill the rest of their day with sessions that meet either an educational goal or a personal goal (like meeting or supporting the presenter). 
    • If one has the time, they should try attending a few wildcard sessions that sound interesting but unrelated to their job. 
    • Everyone has a different level of stamina, but one should remember to give themselves time to socialize and rejuvenate.
    • Once one has chosen and booked their 2023 conference, they’ll definitely need to decide which sessions to attend by reading the conference program and abstracts beforehand. 
    • Because sessions can be booked, one should do so in advance to avoid being disappointed.
  • #2 

Networking Like A Conferencing Veteran

  • Taking Care To Organize Every Meeting Well In Advance
    • If one has any contacts in mind that they would like to meet at the conference, they should contact them in advance and schedule an appointment. 
    • One should plan what they want to get out of the meeting to make their conversation as productive as possible. 
    • Whether they’re looking to co-write an article with them, acquire feedback on their paper, or talk about a job posting at their facility that they want to know more about, planning helps fulfill networking objectives effectively. 
    • One should also try connecting with them beforehand via LinkedIn or following them on Twitter. 
    • It will help one put a face to a name and also get to know people outside of Twitter, which can help make attending a conference ten times less scary.
  • Using Social Media To One’s Absolute Advantage
    • Social media can be an essential way to network during conferences through every stage of an event – before, during, and after the event. 
    • Most conferences have a conference hashtag that one should follow if they wish to be associated with the event online or acquire real-time updates. Using social media platforms to discuss ideas raised during the conference, as well as to make connections during and after, help out tremendously.
  • Getting In On The Twitter Action
    • Twitter has become an essential part of science communication and the conference experience. Most large conferences and even several smaller ones have their own hashtags that one can follow and use. 
    • Searching social media platforms based on the conference hashtag is the ideal way to learn about who else may be attending a conference as well as to find out about any panels or sessions that might not otherwise attract one’s attention. 
    • Live tweeting the conference is a way to connect with other participants, discuss sessions in real-time, and share information with people who couldn’t attend. 
    • Thanks to Twitter, one can even follow a session that takes place in another room if they have a scheduling conflict.
  • How Can Amateurs Network
    • Some people may enjoy networking at conferences, but for others, it may come less naturally. 
    • Listed below are a few tips on networking at conferences if one is more introverted by nature – 
    • One shouldn’t feel like they have to attend the entire social conference. They should plan their time carefully and be sure to factor in recharging time.
    • One should prepare a thirty to sixty-second elevator pitch to use during networking breaks. It can be as simple as brainstorming answers to crucial questions.
    • One should hold small group meetings to have a more detailed discussion, rather than trying to meet everyone at the conference.
  • Sticking Along With One’s Supervisors & Guides
    • For most academics, especially doctoral and post-docs, lectures are the primary means of networking. 
    • It’s an excellent way to connect with people in their field that they might not normally have the opportunity to meet. 
    • If they are still in the early stages of their doctorate, they may not know many people outside of their university, however, their colleagues and supervisor will. 
    • By sticking with them, one will be introduced to people in their network. 
    • If one is attending a solo conference, one should start a conversation with another participant in a solo conference. 
    • When in doubt, asking what is the best item they’ve seen so far is an easy icebreaker. 
    • Taking advantage of coffee breaks and conference dinners to get to know their new contacts better.
  • Not Forgetting To Follow Up
    • When one returns from a conference, they should send a quick follow-up email to new people they’ve met and potential collaborators they’ve spoken to, which is why they should always keep in touch. 
    • There is no reason why someone one meets at a conference should be a unique contact. 
    • Sending them a quick message to see if they’ll be attending the next annual conference or congratulating them on a new post helps. 
    • Over time, they turn into integral parts of one’s network.
  • #3 

Preparing To Deliver An Invigorating Presentation At An International 2023 conference

  • Delivering Presentations Of Research Papers
    • Presenting an article at a conference can be a valuable way to raise one’s profile as a researcher. Giving a presentation on a conference paper and means that suddenly everyone will start to recognize them. 
    • It’s also an opportunity to acquire valuable feedback that can improve their search.
    • By delivering a presentation, one can also learn how to submit a paper in Scopus publication.
    • It’s normal to feel nervous when presenting one’s article at a conference, especially if they have never done it before, so listed below are some tips on how one can do it right –
  • Introducing Oneself With All Confidence & Authenticity
    • Presenting an article at a conference can do wonders for one’s professional profile. 
    • One should make sure to include a short introduction to themselves at the start of the presentation. 
    • Someone in the audience can be a future collaborator, and one should want to make it easy for potential collaborators to find them afterward.
  • Maintaining Simplicity With All Things
    • One’s article can explain the importance of their research to their field in much more depth than a conference paper. 
    • Often the most interesting presentations are the simplest, so they can focus on one aspect of their research rather than trying to present the full study. 
    • Using simpler language that they feel comfortable speaking aloud, remembering that they are giving a presentation, not an article.
    • One should practice ahead of time, making sure they stick to the allotted time.
  • Q&A Sessions Can Prove To Be Overwhelming If Not Handled Properly
    • There are people who find the Q&A sessions to be incredibly daunting. Listed below are some key points one should try to keep in mind – 
      • one should remember that they are the person who is most familiar with the research, and they will most likely have a better understanding of the questions than they think.
      • one shouldn’t worry if they can’t answer all of the questions. 
    • They should just thank them for asking the question and follow up with them afterward. Chances are, they’ll appreciate one taking the time to study the issue and keep the conversation going.
    • Using comments to make one’s research even better always proves to be a valuable thing to do.
  • #4 

Delivering Presentations On Conference Posters

  • Poster sessions are another way to share one’s research at academic conferences
  • These often take place during lunch breaks, and normally several people present their poster at a time. 
  • As with presentations of conference papers, presenting a poster session can be a great way to share one’s work and increase its visibility. 
  • Listed below are a few things that one should bear in mind – 
    • One should prepare a two to three-minute outline or pitch explaining their research, then use it to walk people through their poster.
    • One should be prepared to speak to a large audience. Not everyone will be familiar with the topic, so one should think about how they would explain their research to someone outside the field.
    • One should not ignore the design. They should think about visuals that will attract passers-by and make them want to know more. Once can use bullets, titles, and pictures to make it easier to read and understand.
    • One should not make the text too heavy. Their poster should be a visual aid, not a full page of information. One should make sure the text can be read from a distance of a few feet.
  • #5

Resting, Relaxing, & Destressing Each Day Are Key To Unforgettable 2023 Conferencing Experiences

  • One should remember that it is important to stay healthy while they are attending a conference. 
  • Traveling can be exhausting in itself, and that’s before one can even begin to consider the added pressure of a conference environment. 
  • With so much to do, one might be tempted to cut back on their sleep, but that would be a mistake. 
  • In order to do one’s best academic job, they need to be well-rested, so they should ensure that they get a minimum of eight hours of sleep each night, preferably in a peaceful, quiet environment. 
  • One should avoid loud and chaotic hostel rooms where they share with lots of other people and try to have their own room instead. 
  • Also, one should remember to bring small snacks with them each day in case food is not provided, and be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • #6

Taking Risks & Straying From The Usual

  • One should go to lectures on topics that seem interesting, even if they are not directly related to their work.
  • If one has planned in advance which conferences and posters they want to see, they have probably focused on the topics that directly relate to their research. 
  • And it’s a great way to get the most information out of a conference. 
  • But lectures are also a chance to rejuvenate and inspire one, especially if they are struggling to motivate themselves. 
  • If a talk catches, one’s eye or a poster strikes them as interesting, then go ahead and see, even if it isn’t directly related to your research. 
  • Getting passionate about one’s subject is always a worthwhile activity.
  • Spending Time With Students From The Host Department
    • A group of conference attendees who are often overlooked is undergraduates or postgraduates from the host department, who often help with administrative or support tasks during the event.
    • If one wants to get a real scoop on what it’s like to work in the institution hosting the event, or if they want information on how laboratories or other research groups operate in practice, then they can learn a lot from these students. 
    • One should chat with the people who hand out badges or help attendees navigate the event space, and they might learn something useful.
  • Discussing Things Boldly
    • Whether one is participating in a post-conference discussion or an informal debate over dinner, they shouldn’t don’t be intimidated by large crowds or famous names at academic conferences. 
    • One should be bold in sharing their thoughts and opinions, and they will learn a lot more from their conference experience and make a more impression on others. 
    • One should keep their comments professional, of course, but feel free to voice their opinion and participate – that’s what these events are for, after all.

These tips are meant for those delivering posters and companies to have an even better conference experience. For more tips on attending engineering conferences in 2023, as well as complete listings of conferences they might attend, one should get the IFERP mobile app right away.