Advances In Engineering & Technology That Inspire & Enthuse

February 3, 2021
2023 Upcoming International Conference
AI has already started to make inroads into the field of software development. It is being employed in generative design approaches to automatically optimize CAD designs to adequately suit the practical definition of a part, including how it will be manufactured. Software companies are also developing AI systems to advise engineers on material selection and compliance.
Meanwhile, RPA (Robotic Process Automation) software enables robots to be utilized for office engineering assignments such as auditing exchange inquiries, managing BOMs, and discovering job opportunities.
AI is appearing more and more in autonomous systems. These include vehicles and drones, as well as robots that deliver parts to factories and warehouses (and which may one day replace conveyor belts) and robots that deliver drugs and supplies to hospitals. AI makes possible a wide range of sophisticated products that respond autonomously to their environment or to voice commands.

Over the next decade, AI will become smarter, faster, and much more accurate. Before that, however, it has to subdue a monumental obstacle – reliance. It will be almost a decade before anyone trusts a freeway full of self-driving cars or a multi-million dollar factory making their own decisions without human assistance. Detailed below are some of the biggest research innovations that have taken place over the last year.
- Autonomous Vehicle Technology
Numerous tech companies anticipated having self-driving cars on public roads last year, but sadly, that vision fully realized is still a long way off. Rather, consumers can expect to see more of the innovative engineering found in ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems).
These automation functions are already present in new high-end vehicles. It was found that consumers spend over ten thousand dollars on average, over the base price of a new vehicle that offers such features. Automatic braking, parking, and starting of cars will become even prevalent on the roads, even as new feats of sophisticated engineering innovation are continuously introduced to the market.
Many companies do small tests in areas with low speeds and few cars or pedestrians. The challenge of perception, which involves a car’s capacity to identify objects and predict their movements, is the most significant hurdle engineers are currently faced with. Experts are hoping that over the next couple of years at least a few fleets of autonomous vehicles could be on the roads worldwide. The much-anticipated Indonesia conference 2023 titled the ‘International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (ICIRET-21)’, which is set to take place in Jakarta, Indonesia , will offer a deeper perspective on the advancements being made across the globe in the field of Autonomous Vehicle Technology.
- Virtual Reality
Improvements to virtual reality, or VR, have been written about for years. However, the use of VR in the medical industry currently makes it an important technical innovation in the biomedical field. All over the world, new startups are aiming to bring VR to cognitive and physical therapy. Physiotherapy is a valuable tool when patients are recovering from a stroke or injury or are struggling with a degenerative disease like Parkinson’s disease, but it can sometimes take days or even weeks to see a physiotherapist and the rehabilitation process often takes months. The exercises can also annoy or frustrate patients to the point that they stop doing them as often as needed. This is where the use of virtual reality in physiotherapy can prove to be immensely helpful.
The objective of these neurorehabilitation startups is to utilize VR to assist enhanced motor function and restore broken connections in the brain by creating a more nurturing environment. VR can offer life-focused challenges and games that allow patients to gauge their improvement. By keeping them more involved and encouraged, VR has the potential to enhance emotional welfare and neuroplasticity as well as the ability of the human body to form new neural connections.
If you are someone who wishes to enjoy a successful and fruitful career in the field of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), then you should definitely register yourself at ICIRET-21. This 2023 upcoming conference is guaranteed to equip you with all the essential insights and knowledge you will require to kickstart your career.
- 5G Networks
While 5G networks are already being rolled out in many parts of the United States, consumers will only begin to see its full impact in the next few years. Estimates predict that by 2024, 40% of the world’s population and 2.2 billion devices will be connected to a 5G network. The amount of data created from this technology will increase fivefold over the same period, and its expansion will increase the accessibility of broadband and Wi-Fi, in addition to bringing self-driving cars and cities and towns closer together.
Unlike many upcoming trends in engineering innovation, international regulations and politics will play a major role in the rollout of 5G in different parts of the country and around the world. Security concerns surrounding the companies involved, especially tech giant Huawei, and radiation health concerns are some of the challenges that need some addressing. The IFERP-organized Indonesian conference ICIRET-21, will delve in-depth into the challenges that 5G poses.
- Advances In Energy Technology
Even as the impact of climate change is being felt around the world, technical innovation has to become an important part of the conversation to address this important issue. Energy leaders are responding to both calls for cleaner energy and new international regulations. One of the technologies that take center stage is improving batteries and energy storage. Better storage has already contributed to the growth of renewables in 2019, overtaking coal use after decades.
From 2014 to 2019, utility-scale storage power quadrupled, and the EIA (Energy Information Administration of the United States of America) predicted that by 2023, battery storage capacity will triple. To further the cause, the Department of Energy of the United States of America launched the Great Energy Storage Challenge, the goal of which is to develop and support initiatives aimed at reducing the United States’ dependence on international energy sources.

- Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are and will continue to change the way business is done. A survey found that many organizations choose to implement the technology in smaller test cycles and consider full integration as a long-term goal.
By introducing it into their existing systems, they can use it as a way to make better use of data, recognize trends and make smarter decisions, including reducing waste and being more profitable. For engineering, AI and machine learning will slowly but drastically change the field. While AI already plays an important role in the manufacturing and on production lines, improvements in robotic dexterity and intelligence to handle complex tasks have broadened its uses.
AI can help engineers work smarter, and it will continue to be an integral part of their work. By helping to manage “low value” tasks and make sense of data, these tools allow engineers to innovate in new and unexpected ways.
Many experts predict that artificial intelligence will eventually be able to learn to improve on its own, without the help of an engineer. This makes 2021 an important time for engineers to be up to date on the latest technology and fit to take advantage of its potential.
- Nanotechnology
Although originally used and developed by scientists, nanotechnology has become a universal term that encompasses many different fields of application, including mechanical engineering, so much so that the field these days, is at the forefront of numerous innovations in mechanical engineering such as combustion, measurements, bio-medicine, robotics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, etc.
Are you a mechanical engineer with a penchant for the field of nanotechnology? Have you carried out any groundbreaking research studies in this field or have come up with any nanotechnological innovations that have the potential for changing this field forever? Then, you should definitely attend Indonesia conference titled the ‘International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (ICIRET-21)‘. This amazing two-day conference will be held in the stunning city of Jakarta, Indonesia.
- The Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT is an arrangement of computing devices or machines that are codependent and that have each been given unique identifiers or UIDs. They also have the ability to transfer data over a network without the need for human interaction. A “thing” when it comes to an IoT framework can be anything from a person, an animal, or object, to a human with a heart monitor implant, an animal with a biochip transponder, or even an automobile that has built-in sensors to alert the driver of any changes to the vehicle, such as low tire pressure, when they have received an IP address that can transfer data over a network.
- 3D Printing
3D printing, which is also popularly known as additive manufacturing is a complex process where the model of an object is created using CAD software – detailed object modeling software. The object must then be saved in a Standard Triangular Language (STL) format which allows the designed object to be “sliced” into ultra-thin layers. When transferred to the 3D printing machine, these layers are then printed in a formation of thin layers of plastic, with each layer bonded to the layer before it to create precise shapes. Mechanical engineers have designed objects for 3D printing that have brought tremendous improvements to humanity, including prosthetic limbs, illustrations for the blind, and edible items.
- Electric Vehicles
Mechanical engineers have spent decades carefully developing many components for cars to improve their performance, quality, and most importantly, their safety. However, the rise of electric vehicles (or electric vehicles, as they are commonly known) is set to dramatically change the way mechanical engineers work – the most important being the shift from internal combustion engines to internal combustion systems that function on the principle of cleaner battery power.
- CAD-CAM Sustainability
This refers to the design and construction of environmentally sustainable objects, buildings, and environments. This involves sustaining change in a homeostatic environment where the use of resources meets the current and future needs of humanity, without compromising the earth’s resources.
Similar to the use of electric vehicles, mechanical engineers must now find and develop renewable ways to improve humanity, without harming the environment. Sustainable design entails the philosophy of having constructed and designed objects, buildings, environments, and services in accordance with the many principles of ecological sustainability.
This includes sustaining change in a homeostatic environment where the use of resources, the tilt of investments, and the direction of development are balanced and meet the current and future needs of humanity. Simply put, the sustainable design represents a development that not only meets the needs of the present but does so without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Means of approaching sustainable design include the use of sustainable chemical engineering, responsible management of resources, and overall environmental protection. Design and sustainability decisions occur everywhere and every day and these decisions impact sustainability and the provision of the needs of future generations.
Looking eagerly forward to making your innovative CAD-CAM designs known to the world? Are you desperately looking for ways to gain recognition for all your hard work? Then, you should take part in the forthcoming engineering conference in Indonesia 2023, titled ‘ICIRET-21‘, where you will be provided with numerous opportunities to present your work in front of a global audience. Along with opportunities to deliver presentations and submit your abstracts, you will also obtain opportunities to have your work published in a world-renowned Scopus indexed journal 2023 of your choice. Hurry, register right away!
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