Free Webinar 2020 : Virtual Interactive Classroom for Teachers and the Challenging Technologies in Post Covid-19 Era
June 2, 2020
Virtual Classroom Tech – Not Being Taken For Granted Anymore
In a time when most educational, learning and academic activities have coming to a roaring stop owing to the outbreak of a mass pandemic all across the globe, students, educators, scholars, and academics are all stranded at home. Learning, however, no matter what the field or subject of concern is, is an ongoing process and cannot afford to be paused. In the absence of any known and effective drugs and vaccines, governments and healthcare bodies around the world have relied on the only known measures of preventing the spread of a pandemic known to mankind – quarantines, self-distancing, and lockdowns. This has put both students and educators in a precarious position as to how they can continue their progress without being able to meet each other in classrooms and interact face-to-face.
Virtual technologies facilitating remote interaction have been in existence for a long time. They have been used to conduct business across continents as well as in learning. The potential of these technologies has however been vastly understated and not fully realized. It is only in this time of crisis that the efficacy of these technologies has been understood! Despite the fact that distance learning, remote conferencing and chatting have been in existence for quite a while now, many have rejected them as being inferior and infective when compared to actual face-to-face learning.
Virtual Technologies Offering Feasible Alternatives In This Time Of Crisis
What educators and students across the world who have resorted to these technologies in this time of crisis, have found, however, is that they are in many ways far superior to actual face-to-face learning methodologies. The capability to –
- look up information on the go,
- personalize learning sessions,
- offering one-on-one interactions that are more intimate,
- share learning materials and files instantly, etc,
- learn from the convenience of one’s own home,
have all been realized as massive advantages by students and educators alike. Educators are also finding that their lectures and teaching approaches have become far more effective owing to the focused nature of the learning that remote and distance learning technologies help facilitate.
Glean Deep Insights Into Virtual Learning Tech At The Upcoming Webinar
Are you an educator or student who is very interested in learning about the different virtual learning technologies that are being put to use across the world as alternatives to traditional classroom environments where the possibility of the COVID-19 virus spreading is tremendous, then you should seriously consider taking part in the upcoming ‘Virtual Interactive Classroom for Teachers and the Challenging Technologies in Post Covid-19 Era‘, webinar being organized by IFERP on the 5th of June 2020.
Tons Of Research Publication Expertise At Your Disposal
This webinar will also prove to be incredibly beneficial to research professionals who are currently undertaking R&D activities in this field and would like to make their research work known to the world. While it is obvious that the best way to do this is to publish a research article or paper in a globally renowned tech journal with a high-impact factor, many people are unaware of how to go about doing so.
With numerous top tech experts, publication professionals and research veterans set to speak at this webinar, participants are guaranteed to obtain crucial insights on how to –
- prepare and write their research papers in such a manner that they are incredibly engaging,
- discovering a high impact tech journal,
- devise abstracts that are compelling and attractive,
- engage and interact effectively with reviewers of the journal, and lots more.
In order to gain all these insights and more, register for this life-changing webinar right away!
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