Fast publishing list of scopus indexed journals 2025

March 28, 2020

Scopus Indexed Journals

Aside from discovering and identifying reliable, trustworthy and well-recognized Scopus indexed journals in a particular discipline, another challenge that authors face is getting their work published by the journals that they have submitted their work to, in quick time. This is because even the slightest delays in publication can lead to complete the conclusions of one’s research becoming entirely irrelevant as time passes. The below-listed points should help any author who is eager to get his/her work published swiftly by Scopus indexed journals to easily do so. 

  • Make Sure Your Cover Letter Is Compelling & Persuasive
    • Another thing that all veteran authors who have published hundreds of research papers across numerous globally recognized Scopus indexed journals is that they make sure to write convincing cover letters to the journals that they wish to have their research papers published in. 
    • The entire purpose of writing a cover letter is to persuade the publishing authorities in charge of accepting research papers at the journal that you are submitting your research paper that your paper merits publication. 
    • To do this you will have to highlight – 
      • the significance of your research findings for your discipline, 
      • how the conclusions of your research work address prevailing challenges hindering the progress of your field, 
      • the relevance of your research work to the audience and subscribers of the paper, 
      • the ingenuity of the methodologies/strategies/approaches that you have employed in carrying out your research work, 
      • the authenticity of your research work, 
      • the reliability and accuracy of the results that you have accrued from your research undertakings, 
      • the doors that your research opens for further exploration and analytical pursuits in your field, etc. 
    • Ensuring that your cover letter is personally and professionally addressed to the head of the administrative committee in charge of accepting papers for submission at the journal, while also making sure to include all the above-mentioned points is the key to writing an effective and compelling cover letter. 
  • Find Scopus Indexed Journals That Offer Quick Publishing 
    • One of the easiest ways to ensuring that your paper is published quickly by a well-recognized Scopus indexed journal is to pick a journal that offers easy and quick publication. 
    • Finding out which Scopus indexed journals have swift publication processed in place is the key to getting one’s research work out there in the world, in quick time. 
    • In order to do this, all one has to do is to – 
      • Find Top Scopus Indexed Journals 
        • There are several ways to find Scopus indexed journals including – 
        • checking out the Scopus website, 
        • asking  colleagues/peers if they know of any websites, 
        • inquiring of department officials in your university or college, 
        • taking part in a conference and making use of the journals that are partnering with it, 
        • getting in touch with renowned authors whom you know of, etc.
      • Identifying Those Journals That Have Swift Publication Processes
        • After you have identified a list of Scopus journals 2025, all you have to do is single out ones that have quick publication processed in place.
        • This can be done by – 
          • Getting In Touch With Journal Authorities
            • One of the easiest ways to find out if a publication has a quick journal publication process in place is to contact the journal and get in touch with them.
            • To do this you find out their contact details from their – 
              • website, 
              • social media pages, 
              • business page on Google, 
              • LinkedIn, or 
              • visit the nearest office/branch of the journal and speak to the authority in charge of the 2023 Scopus publication process. 
      • Narrow Down The List
        • Upon singling out which Scopus indexed journals have quick publication processes in place, you will have to begin narrowing down this list further to just a few journals. 
        • This can do done by sorting out the journals as per their –
          • typical duration for reviewing, 
          • extensiveness of formatting guidelines, 
          • reviews from other authors, 
          • typical duration for Scopus journal publication after completion of reviewing and editing. 
    • Once you have done all these things, you should have a pretty good idea of which journals have quick publication processes place and which don’t. 
    • However, one very important thing to keep in mind is that not all journals that have quick publication processes can be considered as authentic journals.
    • This is because many of these journals, although indexed by Scopus, are often just too lax in their reviewing approaches, which is a clear indication of their quality standards. 
    • Having your paper published in such a journal that does not take its reviewing process seriously can result in – 
      • the loss of your reputation, 
      • serious errors in your research paper being overlooked, 
      • your paper being published without the facts being authenticated, 
      • non-adherence to formatting guidelines, 
      • failure to identify and rectify possible plagiarism issues, etc. 
  • Make Things Easier For The Reviewing Committee
    • The reviewing process is the lengthiest and most painstaking procedure in any paper publication process, as it involves a lot of scrutiny on the part of the reviewing committee of a journal.
    • The members of the reviewing committee have the toughest jobs of all those engaged in a renowned Scopus indexed journal as they have to sift through hundreds if not thousands of research papers every month and year. 
  • Although this process can be sped up, doing so can prove to be detrimental to the reputation of the journal itself owing to the mistakes and errors in the publication that can be made as a result. 
    • Perhaps the easiest of ways for one to get their research paper published quickly by a journal is to make the process of reviewing their journal much easier for the reviewing committee, by – 
      • Adhering To All Formatting Guidelines
        • Make sure your entire research paper is edited and formatted as per the exact formatting rules specified by the journal in its formatting guidelines.
        • Doing so will not only make the process of reviewing your research paper easier for the reviewing committee but also prove to them that you are a thorough professional who pays attention to detail and follows rules. 
        • This will help them realize that you are a top author whose work merits publication in Scopus journals such as their own.
      • Offering Access To All Raw Data
        • Making sure to cite all references and offer all the raw data that you have used in deducing your research findings and outcomes, will make it easier for the reviewing committee to authenticate and verify the factualness of the results and conclusions of your research paper. 
      • Ensure There Is No Plagiarism 
        • Give your paper a once-over before actually proceeding to submit it to the journal authorities, just to ensure that there are not parts of your research that are plagiarized (even if you might have done so inadvertently) or exhibit signs of plagiarism.
        • This will exhibit to the reviewing committee that you are someone whose work is entirely original, and merits publication.
      • Meet Deadlines
        • One of the keys to expediting the swift publication in Scopus indexed journals of global repute is to not only adhere to deadlines but also stay ahead of them. 
        • Those authors who get their papers in well-before the day of the deadlines are more likely to have their papers reviewed and published quicker than those who submitted their work just before or on the day of the deadline.  
      • Give Credit Where It Is Due
        • Ensure that you have offered citations for all those whose work you have referred to or utilized in your research paper. 
        • This will make it easier for the reviewing committee in doing their work and facilitating their quick publication of your paper in their journal.
    • Keeping all the above-mentioned factors in mind while preparing your paper should help you get your paper quickly reviewed by the committee in charge of reviewing research papers before publication. 
  • Communicate Regularly & Follow Up 
    • Keeping track of the progress of the reviewing committee and regularly staying in touch with members in charge will help you realize what stage of the reviewing process your paper is currently in. 
    • This will help prove to members of the journal’s reviewing committee that you are very serious about the swift publication of your research paper and are not to be taken lightly.
    • The mistake that a lot of researchers and academics (even highly talented ones) who are looking to get their research papers published in popular journals make is that they fail to follow up on which stage of their reviewing process their research paper is currently in. 
    • Doing so can prove to be highly detrimental as they will fail to find out if their paper has been completely overlooked or forgotten by the research committee.
    • Members of the reviewing committee who work at popular journals often have their hands full with hundreds if not thousands of research papers to review in short spans of time. 
    • This means that there is room for human errors to be made in the form of overlooking a research paper entirely or completely forgetting to review it. 
    • That is why it is important that authors constantly keep in touch with members of the reviewing committee so that they have your research paper constantly in mind. 
  • Forge Relationships With Publication Authorities
    • One thing that all veteran authors attest to is that forging relationships and associations with authorities and administrative members of popular Scopus indexed journals is a great way to get your research papers published in quick time. 
    • There are various ways in which one can form such relationships with the administrators of popular Scopus indexed journals, including – 
      • networking at high-level conferences, 
      • setting up appointments with these individuals, 
      • asking colleagues/superiors to set up meetings with such professionals, 
      • contacting such professionals via their LinkedIn pages, and
      • messaging them through their social media pages.
    • Making sure you connect with such individuals proves to these professionals that you are not some run of the mill author who isn’t serious about getting his/her work published in a renowned Scopus indexed journal. 
    • Forming such close relationships is absolutely essential to painting the picture that you are the consummate professional who takes his/her work seriously and is truly intent on doing a good job.
    • Doing so is not only crucial to getting your research paper published quickly but also ensuring that the journal realizes you are an author who can be trusted and relied upon to deliver extraordinary research work exhibiting groundbreaking research results.