
The objective of this paper provides a survey which is related to 5G technology. It also focuses on all preceding generations of mobile communication along with fifth generation technology. Researchers are being prepared on development of World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW), Dynamic Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (DAWN) and Real Wireless World in fifth generation. 5G technology has some unique features that is in terms of speed or bandwidth which is greater than 1 Gbps, high definition video telephony, HD online TV, high definition multimedia streaming, frequency band which is between 3GHZ to 300GHz, multimedia newspapers, etc. All these above characteristics makes this technology unique and differ among all the available existing mobile technologies worldwide. As 5G technology includes all types of advanced features for which 5G technology will be most leading technology.


5G, DAWN, MCCDMA, LTE,WWWW, network layers of 5G Technology